Posts tagged journal prompts
Journaling for the Mind, Body, and Soul

During the summer months, you may notice a lot of your self-care practices tend to fall off. Fall is a great time to slow back down, ground in, and pick up some habits that will help you flow through those practices again with ease. One of our favorite habits is daily journaling.

Journaling can be as simple as writing thoughts, to-do lists, or diving into your emotional being and reflecting on larger things in your life. Wherever you need support, writing it out can be so helpful to process and sort out everything going on in your head.

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Journaling to Make Space for Meditation

Do you feel like you are too busy to meditate? If meditation isn’t part of your daily routine, it can seem like the biggest waste of time. But in reality, meditation is the most effective time management tool out there. But, let’s be real, shifting from stressed out to zenned out can seem impossible. Give this exercise a try, and let us know if you have made any breakthroughs.

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