Reflection & Projection (2022 Wrapped Health Resonates Edition)

2022 wrapped is everywhere right now. What better way to remember 2022 in review than to learn from it to make 2023 even better? Of course, we don’t have control over how our year will go, but we can reminisce on the year past to help us paint a picture of the year to come.

Grab your journal and join us for a reflection and projection exercise! We are going to list out some thought-provoking questions with the hopes that they will help you plan a joyful year.

  1. What was your happiest memory from 2022?

  2. Who did you spend most of your time with in 2022, and how did you feel in their company?

  3. How did you spend your free time this past year when not at work?

  4. What was the most adventurous thing you did this past year? Would you do it again?

  5. What was the most enjoyable thing you did this past year?

  6. Was there a moment you felt fulfilled this past year entirely?

  7. What would it have been if you could have avoided something from this past year?

Now let’s think about this coming year!

  1. What is a mistake you plan not to make this coming year?

  2. What habits or hobbies do you hope to adopt in 2023?

  3. What places do you wish to visit in 2023?

  4. What is your biggest goal for 2023?

From reflecting a bit on 2022, we hope this little exercise has helped you plan some goals for 2023. Our favorite way to plan around the new year is to write three monthly and four quarterly goals. These can be a combination of little or big dreams. For example, here are some ideas for three January goals:

  1. Grocery shop and meal plan for the week ahead, limit to one meal out a week.

  2. Swap out weekends away for weekends reconnecting with missed friends.

  3. Spend 30 minutes daily connecting via phone, email, or in person with people who will help me on my path to my dream job.

These may seem minor, but they will add up and help keep you on track for the year ahead. We enjoy coming up with these the last week of each month to plan for the month ahead. The small goals above will help you stay on track with the four quarterly goals. Using the monthly goals ahead, here is an example of four quarterly goals.

  1. Eat healthier.

  2. Strengthen my favorite friendships.

  3. Save money for a down payment.

  4. Land my dream job.

I’m sure you get the gist of it! Feel free to tag us on Instagram if you do this exercise! We’d love to stay connected and see how 2023 flows for you! Happy New Year!