Journaling for the Mind, Body, and Soul

During the summer months, you may notice a lot of your self-care practices tend to fall off. Fall is a great time to slow back down, ground in, and pick up some habits that will help you flow through those practices again with ease. One of our favorite habits is daily journaling.

Journaling can be as simple as writing thoughts, to-do lists, or diving into your emotional being and reflecting on larger things in your life. Wherever you need support, writing it out can be helpful to process and sort out everything going on in your head.

One of our favorite journals to use is Keneo. Keneo was created in Maine by husband and wife Rachelle and Forest ​​Gagné​​​​​​​​. They started Kineo in 2021 because they couldn't ignore the itch to serve and share their passions for self-care, spirituality, and whole-life embodiment. They believe everyone has the right to live a joyful and balanced life and are committed to bringing you all the goodness from a masculine and feminine perspective to ensure all the cracks are filled. ​​​​​​​​

The Gagné​​​​​​​​’s believe that joy is a basic human right and that it can be experienced by anyone, anywhere, anytime, with simple techniques and daily practice. We agree! The prompts and flow of the journal are here to help you. The goal is as follows;

Unplug - Set aside mindless habits. Remove unnecessary distractions that prevent you from experiencing true joy.

Ground In - Find your center and balance. Reconnect with nature and the world around you.

Breathe - To breathe is to journey into oneself. Release negative thoughts and welcome life-giving energy.

Clear & Align - Let go of that which no longer serves you to focus on what truly matters. Practice visualization and align your Self with your intentions.

Keneo's Embody The Sacred Journal is a 33-day journal for gratitude and devotion to self. Give Structure to Your Mindfulness Practice with daily templates, weekly self-care techniques, guided meditations, self-work, and breathwork; this journal has everything you need to help you access your fullest potential.

All Elixir of Life Retreat attendees will be generously gifted a Keneo journal. If you can’t make the retreat, tune into Keneo through their blog and on Instagram for more inspiration.