3 Simple Stretches to Stimulate the Lymphatic System

First, what even is the lymphatic system? Write this one down because it’s essential! Your lymphatic system is your body's 'sewerage system'’ which maintains fluidity tissues by removing fluids leaking in our blood vessels. The lymphatic system is essential for the optimal functioning of our general and specific immune responses. And helps with de-bloating. Thus, lymph flow should be the next thing on your to-do list!

Today we’re sharing three super simple stretches to help you stimulate your lymphatic system.

Stretch 1 - The Neck Stretch

One of our favorites - and a great one to start with! Who doesn’t love a bit of stretching? Do you ever have neck pain? You can do this at your desk, in the car (at a red light), or anytime throughout your day. Check out this video to see how we do this one - we feel de-stressed just watching it! The best part, all you need is your hands!

Stretch 2 - Calf Raises (20 reps)

We’re sure you’ve done this before, but if you haven’t, go ahead and grab onto a sturdy chair or table as if you were a ballerina at the barre. One of the primary skeletal muscle pumps is located in the calf, sending all of the fluid from the feet back into the body.  So let’s start our lymph flow by pressing your feet into the floor to rise onto your toes. But, unlike ballet, imagine you're pushing the floor away from you instead of pulling up through the top of your head (this makes a huge difference.) Following the 20 reps of calf raises, stretch out your calves by pumping them or putting your toes up on the wall and slightly bending your knee until you feel a gentle stretch down your calf. You’re going to start feeling the lymph flow with this one!

Stretch 3 - Hip Rotations (45 seconds for each leg)

Nothing feels as good as a hip release, and this stretch will satisfy you. First, you can find a comfy spot to lay on your back, whether on a rug or a yoga mat. We’ll be working our abdomen and stimulating the lymphatic system, which focuses on core muscles where the deep lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes are, and sequencing with the lymphatic vessels for decongestion. Now that you’re on your back bend your right knee slightly with your foot on the floor and lift your left leg to the sky. Begin small basketball size circles engaging your core while remaining in control of your leg. Do this for about 20 seconds in each direction. Repeat with the right leg. You’ll feel a bit of a burn, but we swear, it will be so worth it, and you’ll feel rejuvenated.

There you have it! Super easy techniques and super essential to your overall healthy lifestyle. We often talk about how lymphatic drainage is important when we gua sha, but lymph nodes are throughout your body and deserve some love, too! Other ways to get your lymph flowing are through cardio, pilates, jumping on the trampoline, and even specific yoga inversions! And if you’re looking for a tool to help aid in healthy-looking skin while also lymphatic draining, a dry brush (used in gentle circular motions towards your heart) is the next best thing. We even have a facial dry brush in our shop! 

We seriously love how easy taking care of your body’s lymph system is. Let us know if you try any exercises in the comments below! 

DISCLAIMER: Always consult your physician before beginning any exercise program. This general information is not intended to diagnose any medical condition or to replace your healthcare professional.