How-To Reprogram Your Mindset and Change Your Life

What if we told you you could reprogram your mindset? What if we said you could heal yourself by calling on different networks of neurons? You’re about to be blown away. Did you know by the time you’re 35 years old, you’ve memorized a set of behaviors, emotional reactions, unconscious habits, hardwired attitudes, beliefs, and perceptions that function like a computer program? Wild. And maybe you woke up today thinking nothing will change or improve.

Well, you’re in luck because today, we’re sharing insight on how you can reprogram your mindset to change your life positively.

Lose the “How”

You know that dream you’ve been thinking about for so long but don’t believe it will ever happen because you can’t figure out how you will get there? We feel you. Especially as someone who likes to plan out every detail of their life, we found this difficult to fathom. But we aren't usually the ones that handle figuring out the how. Our job is to identify the what and then work in tandem with others for the how. Life will always surprise you with how things come to fruition. Instead of being obsessively attached to every little detail working out the way you think it should, direct your energy to be open to potential and possibility, even if it's something you never imagined.

Mentally Rehearsing

Fun fact: Your brain doesn’t know the difference between real life, movies, or your imagination - though this seems like a scary thought, it’s pretty crucial. By reading a book on how to become happy or a leader, studying for an exam, or listening to a podcast, you install new neurological hardware into your brain to look like it’s already happened. If you continue to learn, read, and visualize, the hardware becomes your software, a map in your brain, if you will find why your mindset is everything. You don’t have to wait for the new job or lose weight to feel happiness; you begin to feel these emotions before the experience by installing those energy circuits and software. Your body is living in the future feeling. And that’s on changing your biology.

Remind Your Mind

Have you ever heard of affirmations? The real work of healing and reprogramming your mind is ongoing repetition. But don’t think of it as convincing your mind of these positive notions; you must remind it of their validity. Affirmations or mantras remind you of your promise and the positive examples you’ve found.


Here are some of our favorite mantras for overcoming challenges and moving through fear of the unknown:


  • Everything in life happens FOR me, not TO me.

  • Everything I dream of exists outside my comfort zone.

  • Everything is figureoutable

  • I am healing my mind, body, and soul for the better.

We recommend repeating your mantras as often as it feels necessary for you, but especially when you have the most access to your subconscious mind, like right when you wake up, right before you fall asleep, during or after meditations, or even on a mind-clearing walk. 

Whether it’s your job, health, financial situation, or outlook on life, the power to change it isn’t in anyone else; it’s in you. It always has been. Listen to this video by Joe Dispenza as he expands on the topic of actually healing your brain and body with mindset reprogramming. Are you ready to change your life?