Beauty Starts From the Inside, Out

You know what that means: it’s time for rest, relaxation, and becoming more in tune with your inner, emotional side. It’s summertime! Naturally, the term ‘bikini ready’ comes with summer - we cringe. There is no such thing as being ‘bikini ready’ because everybody is a beach body. There, we said it! But let’s be honest here, summertime also means everyone is on vacation, posting their perfectly captured selves and overly curated lives all over your feed - and we admit, sometimes we get a little jealous. And compare. But this summer, we’re promising we’ll be better and focus more on the US than the photos in our feed. Cheers to emotional intelligence and a blissful summer season.

That’s why we’re sharing three tips for maintaining overall health and beauty from the inside out! Because we know now that we can’t expect results on the outside without diving into the impact of the inside.

Drink more water

Did you know our bodies are made up of about 60% water? Wild! And the amount of water we drink on average is 3.9 cups! They say we should consume 11-13 cups of water daily for optimal results. Not only will you feel better, but your brain, heart, and other organs will function better. Life hack: using mason jars or large drinking bottles help to keep you on track - bonus points if you use glass or metal straws. Water can also help ease stress and anxiety; who doesn’t want that? 

Move your body

We’ve mentioned this on the blog before, but your intentional, mind-clearing walks are the number one way to get your body moving without committing to a hardcore workout. All your body needs is a little blood flow circulation to feel better. Your brain releases chemicals to make you feel great after you exercise - it’s called endorphin release, and it’s beneficial to your health and how beautiful you feel. And moving your body goes hand in hand with developing better eating habits, but the key is to listen to your body. Use your intuition and follow what your body is craving. Just like eating, moving should feel good and make you happy; if it doesn’t, you need to switch to something that does. Once you start feeling good, there’s no denying you start looking good. They go hand-in-hand. 


Know your worth

Alright, listen up. This one is the most important one of them all. You are a living, breathing, beautiful human. Know it. Feel it. So take time to honor your body today. Incorporating meditation, gratefulness, and reflection will help you feel better in your skin and allow you to appreciate the journey you’ve been on and how your beauty has evolved over the years. Once you truly believe you are worthy of a beautiful life and a beautiful reflection, it’s not the reflection that changes but how you see it. That’s actual soul work - and that’s on inner beauty.


Once you start seeing the results, there’s no doubt your self-confidence rises, and you are on your way to absolutely loving the woman you see in the mirror. No botox needed! What are some of your favorite ways to stay healthy inside and out?