How to Use Glamour Magic to Boost Confidence and Feel Your Best

As we fall into the Leo season here, we are stepping into the versions of us that are assured of our convictions and driven to do whatever we want to do with our life! It’s also considered a creative time as well - perfect! Last week we talked about working on our inner and outer beauty through soul work; this week, we’re talking about beauty enhancements because both are essential tools and options for feeling your absolute best. After all, it’s Leo season so let’s get after what we want.

Did you know you can use the law of attraction to change your appearance? Yup. Let’s dive into it.

You can use the law of attraction not only to change your body image, weight reduction, wrinkle reduction, or skin disorders, but there’s the science to prove it. Joe Dispenza, an outstanding researcher, and teacher, has shown the impact on our thoughts on a cellular level - we talk more about this here. So we know that thoughts are made up of energy, and they have their frequency. If you’ve prayed or manifested before, you understand the energy exchange and how it materializes in the real world.

Would you still be with us? Let’s break down the law of attraction real quick. In short, they are the laws that govern the Universe. It’s the ability to attract into our lives what we focus on.

Your thoughts become things!

So yes, even your negative thoughts will attract negative things toward you. If you’re looking to use the law of attraction or glamour magic to change your body’s appearance, start incorporating these habits into your life.

  1. Make what you want and why you want it very clear - There’s absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to look and feel better, but what is essential is going deep into your soul for the exact reason you want to make that change. Is it the approval of others? Do you need external validation? Do you feel incomplete? Like we said last week, you are already perfect. You are loved. You are worthy. Try not to be too attached to your earthly appearance because there’s no point in changing anything if you will still feel unhappy. Got it? Good.

  2. Identify your limiting beliefs - We’ll keep this one short because it’s pretty straightforward. Are you thinking, “I am too short/stumpy/bloated ” every day? If so, you’re keeping yourself in the same vibrational state and attracting the words you say. We know it’s easier said than done because, for some reason, we feel the sense to default to the negative. But we’re working on it! Don’t allow these thoughts to dictate you and disempower who you are.

  3. BELIEVE - Once you’ve figured out your limiting beliefs, it’s time to shift them into new ones. Believe you can change your appearance. Believe it’s all possible. It’s wild how powerful our thoughts are because you’ll start to see changes in your body - don’t believe us? Try it consistently. Even if it seems like a placebo, placebos still work; they still get you to the mindset of the outcome you desire. It becomes your reality.

  4. Use mantras, positive affirmations, or spells - You read that right. Spells, mantras, and positive affirmations are powerful tools to ignite the energy and stay focused on your beliefs. Say them out loud, write them down and even carry them with you. What works the best is when they’re repeated. For example, if you want long shiny hair, say or write down, “I have long shiny hair, I have long shiny hair, I have long shiny hair.” Say it three times for the best results. We like to start from the top of our heads to our toes - sometimes, our spells are two pages long! But this will help you re-frame your mind, which naturally helps you become more powerful in manifesting your desired reality. (Spell hack: Include rose quartz, rose petals, or anything pink/red during your spells to intensify the spell. Roses and the colors pink/red are full of love and feminine energy)

  5. Live “As If” - This is where it gets good. Once you’ve set your intentions and done the mantras and spells, it’s time to meditate and live as if. As if what? As if you already are. You must start visualizing yourself in your new body and acting like you already have it. But it’s not necessarily fake it ‘til you make it; it’s more being it. For example, if you’re trying to lose 10 lbs, envision yourself without those 10 lbs. How does it make you feel? How good and happy do you feel in your new body? Now use that feeling and carry it throughout your day! This relates to the Joe Dispenza video and creating new neural pathways for our brains. Create the imagery, feel the feeling, and make it come to life. Your brain doesn’t know the difference between what’s in your mind and what’s reality - it’s one of our most incredible tricks to getting what we want! Keep your vibration high, and you’ll manifest it into reality.

  6. Be grateful for your body, hair, face, and everything else. It’s important not to compare your body too much to the seemingly perfect girls on social media. We need to appreciate what we have and give love to the beautiful machine our body is, functioning the way it does to give us the life we live. By sending love to your body, you receive it back! Remember, our goal is to feel our best!

  7. Don’t give up - It’s a known fact that when you want to give up, that’s when you’re just about there. Keep going! 

Does glamour magic sound like something you want to try? You can even search this on TikTok for people’s actual before and after - it’s wild and encouraging! But if you’re into more of the immediate gratification type of beauty. Well, we have something for you, too! With our new Beauty Enhancement services, you can experience some magical transformations at a flick of our aesthetician wand here at Health Resonates! Click here for more information - you’re going to love it!

Have you ever tried the law of attraction/glamour magic? Or are you an instant gratification type of girl?