How Vitamin D Can Give You Beautiful Glowing Skin

Don’t you find it almost hypocritical for skin guru’s to tell you to slather SPF every day before leaving the house for sun protection? Listen, we’re not saying we’re against sunscreen, but we are about to let you know that the sun is quite suitable for you in moderation. Though our skin can be sensitive to too much sun exposure, harsh sunlight, and repeated sunburns can cause visual damage; the sun can help preserve the health and beauty of your unprotected skin.

Today we’re sharing three ways to get beautiful skin from unprotected time under the sun.

You Are What You Eat

Did you know what we ingest determines how our skin responds to sunlight? Our skin cells must first be strengthened and nourished internally with real food and water to receive the full benefits of the sun's rays. It responds better to sunlight, and sun-ripened food is more nutritious. Sometimes we wonder why this isn’t more broadly known, and they make the sun out to look like the bad guy. What’s also neat is we create an internal SPF with an antioxidant-rich diet of sun-grown power foods, herbs, fruits, vegetables, and our favorite: chocolate!

Don’t come at us, but many of the skin issues called “sun damage” result from malnutrition. Yup. Wrinkles and dark spots stem from processed food produced in the shadows of pesticides and factory farming. Wild, right?

Dry Brush Your Face

People always talk about reducing the appearance of cellulite on their legs with the dry brush, but we’re also talking about gently sweeping away dead skin cells on your face!  You can combine dry brushing with essential oil serums to regenerate your skin’s top layer and feed your beautiful skin immunity! Put your face to the light, babe! Get that sun exposure.

Ditch the Sunnies

We are huge fans of an accessory, and sunglasses are always the perfect addition to any outfit - they complete the vibe! But it’s more beneficial to tuck them onto your shirt or in your bag for a bit because your eyes also need sun exposure! You know when it’s sunny outside and immediately you’re in a better mood? Even by standing in the shade, when you’re outside with no sunglasses on, the full spectrum of light rays is intercepted in the retina, which positively encodes in the brain and sets in motion the hormones and neurochemicals that help us stay happy and healthy. Beautiful skin and a happy body? Literally, the sun, that big yellow thing in the sky, holds so much power that sometimes we find ourselves so grateful to have such a tool.

If this has peaked your interest about the benefits of sun exposure, read this in-depth article by Living Libations, you’ll love it! And remember, the sun is our friend this summer!