Sound Healing with Tuning Forks

Sound healing is everywhere these days and with good reason. If you haven’t experienced a sound bath, we highly recommend it! But why is it so popular? Some would consider sound one of the first healing tools known to man. Sound can be as simple as the power of your voice. How healing is it to sing in the shower, let out a sigh, or even yell to release some built-up stress? During energy healing classes, our instructors used to have us do “energy yoga'“ these were movements specific to releasing energetic blocks and were always paired with a sound. For instance, “the wood splitter” is exactly what it sounds like, paired with an “AHHHH” sound. Give it a try, and notice how it switches the energy in your body!

What I am getting at is that most of us can pick up on how powerful sounds are, so now I’d like to help you understand why.

When working with sound, we are activating the parasympathetic nervous system. This slows down breathing, heart rate, and even your brainwaves to help you fall into a calm, almost trance-like state. When you tried “the wood splitter” and made the “AHHH” sound, there was a vibration going through your body that would actually shift the vibration of all of your cells, in that case, making you feel more energized. With sound healing, each tool is tuned to a note that has a specific effect on the energies of your body, cells, and mind. This taps into a deep level of healing and resetting.

At Health Resonates, we would like to pass on your innate right to manage your healing journey with sound. We have brought in some of our favorite everyday tools to be used, when appropriate, in sessions, and they are also available for you to purchase and take home. Please keep reading to learn all about them!

Crystal Tuner Fork - The Crystal Fork is tuned to 4096 Hz, the frequency of quartz crystal. Perfect for clearing or amplifying the energy of a crystal, space, auras, and chakras. This is a great tuning fork to keep on you at all times and refresh your space and energy when needed.

Om 2 / Low Om / Earth Star WTD - This grounding tuning fork is perfect for daily use when you may feel anxious, flighty, fluttery, or need to take a moment to root back in. This fork will help you connect to your surrounding environment.

The frequency is known as the Heart Chakra, Chi, and Life Force. Om 2 / Low Om frequency is 68.05 Hz. This is also the 9th Chakra Fork. The energy center for the 9th Chakra is about 10" beneath your feet. Activating the Om 2 fork in this area can assist with manifesting earthly, material goals.

Yin/Yang C-G Body Tuners - Using the C & G Forks together creates a binary frequency that helps your mind focus on the task and clear distractions. These tools are great for reconnecting to work, studying, or even tuning into a focus before heading to a social get-together.

These are used to integrate the left & right brain, which creates a sense of peace and purpose. When the tuning forks are sounded on either side of the head in alternating fashion, they develop a state of calmness and ease within a person's body as it realigns and balances itself.

Gamma Fork WTD - Gamma state, at about 40 Hz, This fork assists in reaching new heights of brainwaves and IQ while working to clear brain fog. Gamma frequencies are good tools for memory recall, focus, sensory perception, and calming the mind.

Current research by M.I.T. researcher Professor Li Huei Tsai focuses on the link between 40 Hz Gamma frequency and its effects on dementia. You can learn more about her work here.

All of our high-quality tuning forks are Made in the USA. Each fork is triple-tuned for an accuracy of +/- .25% Hz.