Wellness Office Must-Haves

If you have a wellness office or other type of space where you help clients, you likely spend a LOT of time there - which can sometimes make it hard to determine what is missing or what needs to be changed in order to provide the best possible client experience.

For that reason, today, I’m covering three wellness office must-haves that will help you create an office space conducive to relaxation, healing, and positive energy.

Comfort is Key

First and foremost, your office should be comfortable in all the possible ways. Make sure there are comfortable places for your clients to sit, lay, or wait - including soft couches or chairs and, if applicable, a high-end massage table. Uncomfortable furniture like hard chairs or the absence of places to sit altogether is one of the fastest ways to make clients anxious instead of at peace - and can ultimately bring down the vibe of your office altogether.

I love to decorate my wellness office with comfort objects too, like fluffy pillows or even a blanket - browse around the shops near you to find the best options for you.

In addition, the temperature is an important factor here. If your office is too hot or too cold, it can make for a miserable experience for your clients. Set the temperature at a happy medium and keep fans and blankets on hand to cater to individual clients’ preferences.

Organization (No Clutter!)

Organization is also paramount to maintaining a productive wellness office. Clutter, whether it’s too much furniture, random papers laying around, scattered or busy decor, or especially trash can make clients very uneasy.

Instead, opt to keep your space open, bright, and inviting through simple, minimal decorations, comfortable furniture where needed, and desk space that looks put-together instead of haphazardly ruffled through.

You can pick up inexpensive desk organizers at a local store to help you keep all your important files organized and out of the way - or, opt to keep them on your computer instead to save space altogether.

Energy Cleansing Elements

Energy cleansing elements like crystals, plants, and windows for sunlight are excellent for maintaining the vibes of your wellness office. I love to decorate with cleansing crystals in places like my desk and my windowsill, and always make sure there are a few (real) plants in the room. 

While it’s sometimes important for your office to be dark (such as during a massage,) positioning client spaces near a window where sunlight can beam through can also help put clients at ease.

I’ve run my own wellness office for 6 years now, and, through doing so, I’ve learned all the best practices for keeping your space inviting and conducive to productive wellness sessions. 

While these are by far my favorite tips for keeping my office at its best, there are plenty of other factors that can influence the vibes of your office, as well. What is one thing that makes your office a more inviting place for clients? Comment down below to share!