Skincare for Sun and Age Spots

If you’re anything like me, you enjoy a day out in the sun - but don’t enjoy the lasting spots and damage it can leave on your skin.

In addition, I have found my skin changing with age, leading to - you guessed it - age spots, as well.

Nonetheless, skincare is a really important part of my self-care routine, so ensuring I am doing my research to find the best products to combat sun damage and age spots on my skin has always been a priority for me.

Today, I’m covering my four favorite skincare products and treatments that help my skin maintain a healthy and youthful appearance despite everything thrown at it on a day-to-day basis.

YOUTH Activating BB Cream

I always make sure I apply the YOUTH Activating BB Cream or Mineral Moisturizing SPF 30 every day and reapply before spending time in the sun. As a good rule of thumb, I try to apply it as the last step of my skin regime for a fresh face or under my (or as my) foundation on days I feel like going full glam to make sure my skin is protected no matter what comes up.

This bb cream is a five-in-one beauty balm that comes in four shades and contains SPF to protect against damaging rays from the sun, and for those loving to embrace natural skin, stick with the Mineral Moisturizer for hydration and sun protecting properties.

Yuzu Lemonade Peel

This Yuzu Lemonade Peel is a salicylic acid and vitamin C treatment that brightens and clarifies skin without drying it out. It smells like lemons for a fresh and light facial scent and contains Kakadu plum for an extra boost of vitamin C.

I absolutely love using this peel, especially after a day in the sun, because it leaves my skin feeling refreshed, bright, and moisturized.

This product is great for anyone with oily to normal skin - and only takes 30 seconds to reap the full benefits. If you have drier skin, you should follow up this step with the next item on my list: the Pumpkin Seed Serum.

Pumpkin Seed Serum

This Pumpkin Seed Serum is a brightening beauty oil that is perfect for all skin types - including dry skin. It contains pumpkin seed, rosehip seed, and meadowfoam, all of which bring numerous benefits to your skin.

Pumpkin seed contains plenty of zinc and vitamin E, which even your skin tone and fight acne, while rosehip seed contains antioxidants, which work to brighten skin. Meanwhile, meadowfoam locks in moisture and helps nutrients reach the deepest layers of your skin - which is essential for combating sun damage and maintaining a youthful appearance.

Gua Sha Facials

Lastly, I love making use of gua sha facials to keep my skin firm and lifted. 

If you don’t already know, Gua Sha is a traditional Chinese facial technique that involves using a smooth stone to massage the face. This triggers certain energy and lymph points along the face and neck that work away toxins to leave your skin looking clear and bright. 

You can check out my Gua Sha (and other) services here or follow along from the comfort of your home with my wellness how-to’s.  

What are your favorite skincare products and treatments that keep your skin looking bright and healthy? What products are you excited to try next? 

Leave a comment down below to share!