5 Reasons to Add Facials to Your Skin Care Routine

We’ll cut straight to the chase here; facials are not only one of our favorite pampering activities but also super beneficial for your skin's wellness and overall health.

We often hear how clients wish they had “more time for facials” but fail to remember all of the other regular appointments they have in their calendars, like the kid’s soccer practice, the dentist, or even a dog grooming visit. Why do we often put ourselves at the bottom of our to-do lists? Shouldn’t we put more time and energy into caring for ourselves and our skin?

Here are five reasons to add facials to your regular skincare routine.

Maximizing Your Skin Care

You could be using the best skin care products out there, using the most up-to-date tools.. but if your skin isn’t clear, you’re not getting the most out of your products. A proper facial can help clean your skin, unclog pores, assisting with dryness so those good ingredients can penetrate your skin.

The Change of Seasons 

Like the changing of the seasons, your skin is also changing. Even depending on the temperature, daylight we see, and air quality, our skin may crave specific needs. For example, facials in the winter are great for hydration; spring facials help nourish and clean the skin; summer facials help protect from sun damage; and fall facials prep our skin for the colder months shortly.


Everyone is trying to look their best as long as possible; some are committed to reverse aging, while some want to age gracefully. Regular facials promote cell turnover, which assists in collagen production and the skin's overall balance. 

Skin Care Regimen for Home

Here at Health Resonates, we’ll assess your skin and can point you in the direction of products we know will work for your skin type and which will not help you as you continue your skin care regimen at home! By visiting our aestheticians regularly, we can monitor your skin as any minor changes occur to keep you on track to your healthiest skin! You can also check out our recent clean beauty round-up featuring some of our fan-favorite and Health Resonates-approved skin care products!


Lastly, de-stressing. If you’re human, you’re most likely stressed from the day-to-day life we live. Remember how we mentioned earlier we need to start re-adding ourselves to our to-do lists? Yeah, we meant it. The dishes can wait - getting clean skin can’t! Spending an hour or so in a zen environment while restoring your skin and mind? Sold.

Which reason hit home for you? Anti-aging? De-stressing? All of the above? Even if you’re reading this because you’re just curious about facials, this is your sign to book a facial. Do it for clean skin. Do it for your mental clarity. Do it for your confidence. Do it for YOU! But which one do you pick?

Here at Health Resonates, we offer 60, 75, or 90-minute holistic facials. Much like our massages, the length you choose allows for a deeper focus on one or more aspects of your facial such as facial cupping, Gua Sha, and other healing offerings. Crystal-aided facial Gua Sha dramatically lifts, sculpts, and firms the skin. It is a divinely relaxing alternative to invasive cosmetic procedures. Book your facial here now!